Aperture è un’esperienza di arte visiva e relazionale.
Durante una residenza artistica di una settimana, un gruppo di giovani artiste e artisti si confrontano con il territorio dell’Alta Val Torre e con i suoi abitanti attraverso uno strumento analogico: una macchina fotografica di grande formato installata su un Apecar.
Al termine della settimana il loro racconto diventa la mostra fotografica “Aperture”.
Aperture è un’operazione di scoperta di un mezzo fotografico particolare: il banco ottico. Al tempo stesso si mette in gioco un elemento scenografico ed evocativo: un Apecar.
Come fosse una grande macchina fotografica su tre ruote, l’Ape Piaggio, simbolo di un mondo contadino, montano e artigianale, si trasforma in un grande oggetto scenico.
L’approccio adottato ha un forte taglio relazionale. Lo sguardo degli artisti e delle artiste si incontra con le persone e i paesaggi attraversati.
Il banco ottico è uno strumento ideale per allenare questo sguardo lento e insistente: ci costringe a stare in un tempo lungo, a scrollarci di dosso l’approccio del mirare e scattare.
Il processo fotografico non si conclude però con lo scatto. Quell’immagine, catturata dai sali d’argento, può esistere solo se sviluppata e grazie alla stampa prende poi una vita propria come nuovo oggetto nel mondo: la fotografia.
Questo è possibile grazie alla presenza nel gruppo di uno stampatore che, in stretta sinergia con i fotografi e le fotografe, cura lo sviluppo e la stampa delle fotografie esposte.
Artiste/i in residenza nel 2024: Annalisa Doriguzzi, Bartolomeo Eugenio Rossi, Camilla Isola, Giuliana Rapaccini, Pietro Bucciarelli, Leonardo Taddei,
Tutor: Giovanni Chiarot, Matteo Carli, Ruben Vuaran
Aperture è un’esperienza di arte visiva e relazionale.
Durante una residenza artistica di una settimana, un gruppo di giovani artiste e artisti si confrontano con il territorio dell’Alta Val Torre e con i suoi abitanti attraverso uno strumento analogico: una macchina fotografica di grande formato installata su un Apecar.
Al termine della settimana il loro racconto diventa la mostra fotografica “Aperture”.
Aperture è un’operazione di scoperta di un mezzo fotografico particolare: il banco ottico. Al tempo stesso si mette in gioco un elemento scenografico ed evocativo: un Apecar.
Come fosse una grande macchina fotografica su tre ruote, l’Ape Piaggio, simbolo di un mondo contadino, montano e artigianale, si trasforma in un grande oggetto scenico.
L’approccio adottato ha un forte taglio relazionale. Lo sguardo degli artisti e delle artiste si incontra con le persone e i paesaggi attraversati.
Il banco ottico è uno strumento ideale per allenare questo sguardo lento e insistente: ci costringe a stare in un tempo lungo, a scrollarci di dosso l’approccio del mirare e scattare.
Il processo fotografico non si conclude però con lo scatto. Quell’immagine, catturata dai sali d’argento, può esistere solo se sviluppata e grazie alla stampa prende poi una vita propria come nuovo oggetto nel mondo: la fotografia.
Questo è possibile grazie alla presenza nel gruppo di uno stampatore che, in stretta sinergia con i fotografi e le fotografe, cura lo sviluppo e la stampa delle fotografie esposte.
Artiste/i in residenza nel 2024: Annalisa Doriguzzi, Bartolomeo Eugenio Rossi, Camilla Isola, Giuliana Rapaccini, Pietro Bucciarelli, Leonardo Taddei,
Tutor: Giovanni Chiarot, Matteo Carli, Ruben Vuaran
L’installazione è composta da una proiezione video e da due pedane sensoriali costruite ad hoc.
Il video proiettato va in simultanea con la composizione sonora trasmessa dalle pedane e ripotera in forma testuale le immagini e le suggestioni che le stesse vibrazioni hanno suscitato in due persone sorde. Leggendo i testi proiettati, potrai accedere ad un nuovo livello percettivo e prepararti all’esperienza che vivrai attraverso le due pedane sensoriali.
Una volta scelta la pedana su cui posizionarti, nel momento in cui ti sdraierai entrerai in una narrazione astratta, lasciandoti guidare da una composizione fatta di suoni elettronici e vibrazioni.
Per interpretare, codificare e immaginare potrai andare a pescare dentro di te, nelle tue esperienze o nel tuo immaginario. L’esperienza che vivrai è frutto dell’incontro tra persone sorde e persone udenti, che insieme hanno provato ad abitare uno spazio indefinito e astratto.
Installazione prodotta da: Associazione Altrememorie
Direzione creativa: Giovanni Chiarot e Matteo Carli
Composizione sonora: Antonio Della Marina
Sviluppo narrativo e sensoriale: Fabio Zamparo ed Erik Londero
Consulenza all’accessibilità: Associazione Culturale Fedora
Mediazione comunicativa: Elena Marra e Anna Chiara Carlet
Pedane vibranti progettate e prodotte da: Puntozero Società Cooperativa
Supporto tecnico: Valerio Bergnach, Tommaso Pascutti
Con il contributo di: Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia
L’installazione è composta da una proiezione video e da due pedane sensoriali costruite ad hoc.
Il video proiettato va in simultanea con la composizione sonora trasmessa dalle pedane e ripotera in forma testuale le immagini e le suggestioni che le stesse vibrazioni hanno suscitato in due persone sorde. Leggendo i testi proiettati, potrai accedere ad un nuovo livello percettivo e prepararti all’esperienza che vivrai attraverso le due pedane sensoriali.
Una volta scelta la pedana su cui posizionarti, nel momento in cui ti sdraierai entrerai in una narrazione astratta, lasciandoti guidare da una composizione fatta di suoni elettronici e vibrazioni.
Per interpretare, codificare e immaginare potrai andare a pescare dentro di te, nelle tue esperienze o nel tuo immaginario. L’esperienza che vivrai è frutto dell’incontro tra persone sorde e persone udenti, che insieme hanno provato ad abitare uno spazio indefinito e astratto.
Installazione prodotta da: Associazione Altrememorie
Direzione creativa: Giovanni Chiarot e Matteo Carli
Composizione sonora: Antonio Della Marina
Sviluppo narrativo e sensoriale: Fabio Zamparo ed Erik Londero
Consulenza all’accessibilità: Associazione Culturale Fedora
Mediazione comunicativa: Elena Marra e Anna Chiara Carlet
Pedane vibranti progettate e prodotte da: Puntozero Società Cooperativa
Supporto tecnico: Valerio Bergnach, Tommaso Pascutti
Con il contributo di: Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Di certo capita, almeno una volta nella vita, di dover rispondere alla domanda: “Ma che lavoro fai?” Cosa sappiamo rispondere quando a chiederci che lavoro facciamo sono proprio i nostri figli? E cosa colgono della spiegazione che diamo loro del nostro lavoro? “Portami al lavoro” è stato un laboratorio di narrazione fotografica che ha portato i figli ad esplorare e interpretare gli ambienti lavorativi dei genitori. Le attività proposte durante i laboratori hanno favorito la sperimentazione di diversi linguaggi, tra cui la fotografia, lo storytelling e la registrazione audio usando gli spazi di lavoro dell’azienda come territorio esplorativo. Il progetto si conclude con una mostra fotografica, un ciclo di incontri nelle scuole e la realizzazione di un libro.
L’idea è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con SBE-VARVIT (Monfalcone), azienda leader nella produzione di viti, dadi e bulloni. In un’azienda di questo settore, dove la componente competitiva tecnologica è fondamentale, non si poteva intervenire sul miglioramento del prodotto. Si è potuto però aprire un dialogo intergenerazionale, portando un punto di vista differente sulla componente umana e relazionale all’interno della vita lavorativa.
Coordinamento laboratori: Marina Rosso, Giovanni Chiarot
Grafica: Cecilia Cappelli
Con il contributo di Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
In collaborazione con SBE-VARVIT Spa, Associazione Altrememorie, Gruppo Immagine, Media Educazione e Comunità, Bekko Aps
Di certo capita, almeno una volta nella vita, di dover rispondere alla domanda: “Ma che lavoro fai?” Cosa sappiamo rispondere quando a chiederci che lavoro facciamo sono proprio i nostri figli? E cosa colgono della spiegazione che diamo loro del nostro lavoro? “Portami al lavoro” è stato un laboratorio di narrazione fotografica che ha portato i figli ad esplorare e interpretare gli ambienti lavorativi dei genitori. Le attività proposte durante i laboratori hanno favorito la sperimentazione di diversi linguaggi, tra cui la fotografia, lo storytelling e la registrazione audio usando gli spazi di lavoro dell’azienda come territorio esplorativo. Il progetto si conclude con una mostra fotografica, un ciclo di incontri nelle scuole e la realizzazione di un libro.
L’idea è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con SBE-VARVIT (Monfalcone), azienda leader nella produzione di viti, dadi e bulloni. In un’azienda di questo settore, dove la componente competitiva tecnologica è fondamentale, non si poteva intervenire sul miglioramento del prodotto. Si è potuto però aprire un dialogo intergenerazionale, portando un punto di vista differente sulla componente umana e relazionale all’interno della vita lavorativa.
Coordinamento laboratori: Marina Rosso, Giovanni Chiarot
Grafica: Cecilia Cappelli
Con il contributo di Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
In collaborazione con SBE-VARVIT Spa, Associazione Altrememorie, Gruppo Immagine, Media Educazione e Comunità, Bekko Aps
Con questo progetto abbiamo la possibilità di supportare processi per rendere più sostenibili le realtà culturali, attivare uno spazio dedicato alla creatività, favorire processi di innovazione digitale nell’operato di artisti ed operatori culturali, dando un valore al vero capitale che le piccole organizzazione culturali hanno, ossia le loro idee.
Con questo progetto possiamo supportare il mondo della cultura regionale in processi di consolidamento capaci di traguardare le sfide dei prossimi anni.
In particolare, possiamo offrire:
Un servizio di accompagnamento nello sviluppo di progetti culturali: da diversi anni con Puntozero mettiamo a disposizione degli operatori e delle operatrici culturali del territorio un supporto per sviluppare le idee in progetti efficaci, dalla fase di ideazione e networking, a quella di fundraising e management,
La realizzazione di un’infrastruttura digitale innovativa, capace di migliorare la modalità di lavoro delle organizzazioni che la utilizzeranno,
L’attivazione di uno spazio di produzione artistica dove, organizzazioni e artisti del territorio, possano usufruire di un laboratorio e di infrastrutture multimediali utili allo sviluppo di propri progetti e installazioni sostenibili.
Con questo progetto abbiamo la possibilità di supportare processi per rendere più sostenibili le realtà culturali, attivare uno spazio dedicato alla creatività, favorire processi di innovazione digitale nell’operato di artisti ed operatori culturali, dando un valore al vero capitale che le piccole organizzazione culturali hanno, ossia le loro idee.
Con questo progetto possiamo supportare il mondo della cultura regionale in processi di consolidamento capaci di traguardare le sfide dei prossimi anni.
In particolare, possiamo offrire:
Un servizio di accompagnamento nello sviluppo di progetti culturali: da diversi anni con Puntozero mettiamo a disposizione degli operatori e delle operatrici culturali del territorio un supporto per sviluppare le idee in progetti efficaci, dalla fase di ideazione e networking, a quella di fundraising e management,
La realizzazione di un’infrastruttura digitale innovativa, capace di migliorare la modalità di lavoro delle organizzazioni che la utilizzeranno,
L’attivazione di uno spazio di produzione artistica dove, organizzazioni e artisti del territorio, possano usufruire di un laboratorio e di infrastrutture multimediali utili allo sviluppo di propri progetti e installazioni sostenibili.
Contributo PR FESR FVG 59.760,00€ euro di cui UE 40%
“Le Serre” è uno spazio in cui la produzione creativa incontra la comunità e l’innovazione sociale, dove la dimensione di sperimentazione artistica si intreccia con quella della progettazione sociale e dello scambio di saperi ed esperienze.
Lo spazio è un edificio industriale degli anni ’50, una ex-falegnameria. Dopo un processo di rigenerazione è nato uno spazio culturale.
Gli obiettivi che ci siamo dati sono:
Ristrutturazione dello spazio: dare vita ad uno spazio di produzione culturale che ospiti attività dell’ambito delle arti multimediali, sfruttando l’opportunità di operare in un contesto periferico a vocazione produttiva e artigianale.
L’innovazione sociale: attrezzare e gestire lo spazio per ospitare percorsi di aggregazione sul territorio, fornendo un contesto creativo dove sviluppare anche azioni di inclusione sociale.
La formazione: attrezzare e gestire lo spazio per ospitare percorsi di formazione e professionalizzazione nell’ambito della produzione culturale. Sviluppare una programmazione pilota di residenze artistiche, laboratori e convegni.
Digitalizzazione degli operatori/operatrici: dotare lo spazio di attrezzature adeguate allo sviluppo di produzioni multimediali, offrendo ad artisti/e e operatori/operatrici la possibilità di usufruire di strumentazioni e tecnologie avanzate.
Network europeo: lo spazio è all’interno di un network europeo, attraverso i progetti culturali internazionali di cui fa parte.
“Le Serre” è uno spazio in cui la produzione creativa incontra la comunità e l’innovazione sociale, dove la dimensione di sperimentazione artistica si intreccia con quella della progettazione sociale e dello scambio di saperi ed esperienze.
Lo spazio è un edificio industriale degli anni ’50, una ex-falegnameria. Dopo un processo di rigenerazione è nato uno spazio culturale.
Gli obiettivi che ci siamo dati sono:
Ristrutturazione dello spazio: dare vita ad uno spazio di produzione culturale che ospiti attività dell’ambito delle arti multimediali, sfruttando l’opportunità di operare in un contesto periferico a vocazione produttiva e artigianale.
L’innovazione sociale: attrezzare e gestire lo spazio per ospitare percorsi di aggregazione sul territorio, fornendo un contesto creativo dove sviluppare anche azioni di inclusione sociale.
La formazione: attrezzare e gestire lo spazio per ospitare percorsi di formazione e professionalizzazione nell’ambito della produzione culturale. Sviluppare una programmazione pilota di residenze artistiche, laboratori e convegni.
Digitalizzazione degli operatori/operatrici: dotare lo spazio di attrezzature adeguate allo sviluppo di produzioni multimediali, offrendo ad artisti/e e operatori/operatrici la possibilità di usufruire di strumentazioni e tecnologie avanzate.
Network europeo: lo spazio è all’interno di un network europeo, attraverso i progetti culturali internazionali di cui fa parte.
Contributo PR FESR FVG 200000,00 EURO di cui UE 40%
Federica Teti
Campoformido, 16-22 dicembre 2023, Spazio Le Serre, 22 dicembre 2023, THE FAKE JOGGER. Un’osservazione del paesaggio suburbano, muovendosi lungo i bordi e cercando programmaticamente nuovi modi di raccontare la realtà
Zeroidee, 1-20 dicembre, Spazio Le Serre, 22 dicembre 2023, TRASDUZIONI. Un percorso di ricerca artistica multimediale nato dalla relazione con persone sorde e dal desiderio di condividere insieme una forma di dialogo.
Matteo Carli, 1 novembre-20 dicembre 2023, Mezzocorona – Udine, Spazio Le Serre, ESERCIZIO DI MEMORIA. La costruzione di un paesaggio immaginario e famigliare composto da memorie incerte, visioni e rimozioni.
Sandro Pivotti, 13 novembre-6 dicembre 2023, Monfalcone, Spazio Le Serre, 23 febbraio 2024. Bràncolo. Prove di solitudine
Icredible Bob, 1-7 aprile 2024, Tolmino, Slovenia
Flavio Pacino, 9-14 settembre 2024, Villalta di Fagagna, Cjase di Catine, Villalta di Fagagna, Damatrà
CJASE. A cura di: Duepunti. Partendo dalla nuova edizione di Bestiario Immaginato di Damatrà, l’artista lavora sulle parole “tana” e “rifugio” attraverso materiali naturali e non solo.
Federica Teti
Campoformido, 16-22 dicembre 2023, Spazio Le Serre, 22 dicembre 2023, THE FAKE JOGGER. Un’osservazione del paesaggio suburbano, muovendosi lungo i bordi e cercando programmaticamente nuovi modi di raccontare la realtà
Zeroidee, 1-20 dicembre, Spazio Le Serre, 22 dicembre 2023, TRASDUZIONI. Un percorso di ricerca artistica multimediale nato dalla relazione con persone sorde e dal desiderio di condividere insieme una forma di dialogo.
Matteo Carli, 1 novembre-20 dicembre 2023, Mezzocorona – Udine, Spazio Le Serre, ESERCIZIO DI MEMORIA. La costruzione di un paesaggio immaginario e famigliare composto da memorie incerte, visioni e rimozioni.
Sandro Pivotti, 13 novembre-6 dicembre 2023, Monfalcone, Spazio Le Serre, 23 febbraio 2024. Bràncolo. Prove di solitudine
Icredible Bob, 1-7 aprile 2024, Tolmino, Slovenia
Flavio Pacino, 9-14 settembre 2024, Villalta di Fagagna, Cjase di Catine, Villalta di Fagagna, Damatrà
CJASE. A cura di: Duepunti. Partendo dalla nuova edizione di Bestiario Immaginato di Damatrà, l’artista lavora sulle parole “tana” e “rifugio” attraverso materiali naturali e non solo.
This festival was created by a group of circus performers (Circo all’inCirca) and cultural project managers (Puntozero) to promote a vision of art and public space that believes in their revolutionary means of interaction.
Terminal invites artists from all over the world to Udine to engage with the city and its inhabitants. The audience experiences the enchantment and magic of contemporary circus, an art that involves many disciplines and explores new paths of artistic research.
Terminal is also a meeting point between citizens and artists, who together inhabit, experience and transform the city.
From 2022, Terminal decided to move out of the city centre and occupy a new space – a park – making it a living part of the city. The green and natural space allows people to slow down, rest their gaze and rediscover peaceful relationships.
Project by: Circo all’InCirca and Puntozero.
Artistic direction: Circo all’InCirca. Management, staging, communication: Puntozero.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Department of Culture of the Municipality of Udine, MiBAC, PromoturismoFVG, Fondazione Friuli.
This festival was created by a group of circus performers (Circo all’inCirca) and cultural project managers (Puntozero) to promote a vision of art and public space that believes in their revolutionary means of interaction.
Terminal invites artists from all over the world to Udine to engage with the city and its inhabitants. The audience experiences the enchantment and magic of contemporary circus, an art that involves many disciplines and explores new paths of artistic research.
Terminal is also a meeting point between citizens and artists, who together inhabit, experience and transform the city.
From 2022, Terminal decided to move out of the city centre and occupy a new space – a park – making it a living part of the city. The green and natural space allows people to slow down, rest their gaze and rediscover peaceful relationships.
Project by: Circo all’InCirca and Puntozero.
Artistic direction: Circo all’InCirca. Management, staging, communication: Puntozero.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Department of Culture of the Municipality of Udine, MiBAC, PromoturismoFVG, Fondazione Friuli.
‘Teen to Teen’ encourages teenagers to use museum spaces in a new way. The project builds a network of peers in which girls and boys can freely exchange content they have created and edited themselves to build a new narrative of cultural sites: photos, animated gifs, collages, video clips from images taken and/or filmed in museums. Thanks to the group of artists and professionals who make up the team of trainers, ‘Teen to Teen’ introduces teenagers to cultural communication and creativity professions.
Project curated by: Andrea Collavino and Renato Rinaldi.
Realised by: Puntozero with La Collina.
In cooperation with: Udine Musei and Trieste Musei, Patrimonio Culturale Friuli Venezia Giulia, Fondazione Pietro Pittini.
Supported by: Fondazione Friuli, Fondazione CRTrieste, Fondazione Antonveneta, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
‘Teen to Teen’ encourages teenagers to use museum spaces in a new way. The project builds a network of peers in which girls and boys can freely exchange content they have created and edited themselves to build a new narrative of cultural sites: photos, animated gifs, collages, video clips from images taken and/or filmed in museums. Thanks to the group of artists and professionals who make up the team of trainers, ‘Teen to Teen’ introduces teenagers to cultural communication and creativity professions.
Project curated by: Andrea Collavino and Renato Rinaldi.
Realised by: Puntozero with La Collina.
In cooperation with: Udine Musei and Trieste Musei, Patrimonio Culturale Friuli Venezia Giulia, Fondazione Pietro Pittini.
Supported by: Fondazione Friuli, Fondazione CRTrieste, Fondazione Antonveneta, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Esperienza multimediale della durata di 45 minuti.
Tre amici d’infanzia, la scoperta di un lutto, un percorso attraverso il cimitero lungo le tracce di un’amicizia lontana.
Non si tratta di uno spettacolo ma di un’esperienza immersiva e itinerante che vivi in prima persona. Attraverso i messaggi che ricevi tramite WhatsApp, sei invitato a spostarti nella città, in particolare all’interno del cimitero, per vivere una storia e scoprirne gli sviluppi.
Un’esperienza solitaria, in cui ogni partecipante parte singolarmente.
Una produzione di: Zeroidee aps
Di Giovanni Chiarot, Matteo Carli e Sandro Pivotti
Supporto tecnico di: Alberto Duca e Alex Duca
Con il contributo di: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Sviluppata nell’ambito del progetto Le Serre
Foto di Bartolomeo Rossi
Esperienza multimediale della durata di 45 minuti.
Tre amici d’infanzia, la scoperta di un lutto, un percorso attraverso il cimitero lungo le tracce di un’amicizia lontana.
Non si tratta di uno spettacolo ma di un’esperienza immersiva e itinerante che vivi in prima persona. Attraverso i messaggi che ricevi tramite WhatsApp, sei invitato a spostarti nella città, in particolare all’interno del cimitero, per vivere una storia e scoprirne gli sviluppi.
Un’esperienza solitaria, in cui ogni partecipante parte singolarmente.
Una produzione di: Zeroidee aps
Di Giovanni Chiarot, Matteo Carli e Sandro Pivotti
Supporto tecnico di: Alberto Duca e Alex Duca
Con il contributo di: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Sviluppata nell’ambito del progetto Le Serre
Foto di Bartolomeo Rossi
Altrememorie è un osservatorio sul paesaggio che promuove e ospita residenze ed esposizioni artistiche. Dal 2014, invita artisti a sviluppare una nuova narrazione e interpretazione del territorio attraverso i diversi linguaggi dell’arte contemporanea. Le residenze cercano di avvicinare il pubblico ai processi creativi e di stimolare la conoscenza del proprio patrimonio territoriale, promuovendo un atteggiamento di curiosità e di interazione con il linguaggio artistico.
Trieste 25 Febbraio 31 Marzo, Gruppo Immagine, “Marco Cavallo, 50… e non li dimostra”. Un dialgo immaginario con Franco Basaglia in occasione dei 50 anni dalla dirompente uscita collettiva dal manicomio di Trieste. Lignano 10 Marzo, Wundertruppe e Voyageurs Immobiles, “Onde”. Un progetto che indaga e racconta il tema dell’amicizia, accompagnato dal romanzo “Le onde” di Virginia Woolf. Campoformido 23 Marzo, Marco Londero “Dibants”. Il rudere: elemento di disturbo o porta di un’esplorazione intima e selvaggia? RomanS d’Isonzo 4-15 Aprile, Francesca Mione, “Incontro”. L’incontro come spazio tracciato di una connessione fra luoghi, camminamenti, unioni e divisioni. Laboratorio per bambini e ragazzi. Ravascletto 15 Aprile, Simone Carraro, “Cjase”. Un vero e proprio archivio del paesaggio invisibile attraverso un’attenta raccolta e catalogazione rielaborata in chiave simbolica dall’occhio dell’artista. Un progetto di: Associazione Altrememorie Con il sostegno di: Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Fondazione Friuli e Turismo FVGAltrememorie è un osservatorio sul paesaggio che promuove e ospita residenze ed esposizioni artistiche. Dal 2014, invita artisti a sviluppare una nuova narrazione e interpretazione del territorio attraverso i diversi linguaggi dell’arte contemporanea. Le residenze cercano di avvicinare il pubblico ai processi creativi e di stimolare la conoscenza del proprio patrimonio territoriale, promuovendo un atteggiamento di curiosità e di interazione con il linguaggio artistico.
Trieste 25 Febbraio 31 Marzo, Gruppo Immagine, “Marco Cavallo, 50… e non li dimostra”. Un dialgo immaginario con Franco Basaglia in occasione dei 50 anni dalla dirompente uscita collettiva dal manicomio di Trieste. Lignano 10 Marzo, Wundertruppe e Voyageurs Immobiles, “Onde”. Un progetto che indaga e racconta il tema dell’amicizia, accompagnato dal romanzo “Le onde” di Virginia Woolf. Campoformido 23 Marzo, Marco Londero “Dibants”. Il rudere: elemento di disturbo o porta di un’esplorazione intima e selvaggia? RomanS d’Isonzo 4-15 Aprile, Francesca Mione, “Incontro”. L’incontro come spazio tracciato di una connessione fra luoghi, camminamenti, unioni e divisioni. Laboratorio per bambini e ragazzi. Ravascletto 15 Aprile, Simone Carraro, “Cjase”. Un vero e proprio archivio del paesaggio invisibile attraverso un’attenta raccolta e catalogazione rielaborata in chiave simbolica dall’occhio dell’artista. Un progetto di: Associazione Altrememorie Con il sostegno di: Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Fondazione Friuli e Turismo FVGAltrememorie è un osservatorio sul paesaggio che promuove e ospita residenze ed esposizioni artistiche. Dal 2014, invita artisti a sviluppare una nuova narrazione e interpretazione del territorio attraverso i diversi linguaggi dell’arte contemporanea. Le residenze cercano di avvicinare il pubblico ai processi creativi e di stimolare la conoscenza del proprio patrimonio territoriale, promuovendo un atteggiamento di curiosità e di interazione con il linguaggio artistico.
Edizione 2022Altrememorie è un osservatorio sul paesaggio che promuove e ospita residenze ed esposizioni artistiche. Dal 2014, invita artisti a sviluppare una nuova narrazione e interpretazione del territorio attraverso i diversi linguaggi dell’arte contemporanea. Le residenze cercano di avvicinare il pubblico ai processi creativi e di stimolare la conoscenza del proprio patrimonio territoriale, promuovendo un atteggiamento di curiosità e di interazione con il linguaggio artistico.
Edizione 2022‘Trasduzioni’ (Trasductions) is our multi-sensory installation born out of a relationship with deaf people and our desire to share a form of dialogue with them. Together with Fabio Zamparo, who is deaf, we invented and wrote a story that became a definite, shared starting point. We asked Fabio to associate the different scenes of the story with emotions and feelings. From the story we arrived at an emotional narrative. It was at this point that we involved sound composer Antonio Della Marina, who, not knowing the original narrative, only picked up on the emotions associated with it, sounding out an abstract dimension. The resulting composition is mainly based on vibrations, abstract sounds and electronic music.
The installation was produced as part of the PTSM project. On the occasion of the project’s various launches, we offered lectures on the subject of accessibility in the cultural sphere.
‘Trasduzioni’ (Trasductions) is our multi-sensory installation born out of a relationship with deaf people and our desire to share a form of dialogue with them. Together with Fabio Zamparo, who is deaf, we invented and wrote a story that became a definite, shared starting point. We asked Fabio to associate the different scenes of the story with emotions and feelings. From the story we arrived at an emotional narrative. It was at this point that we involved sound composer Antonio Della Marina, who, not knowing the original narrative, only picked up on the emotions associated with it, sounding out an abstract dimension. The resulting composition is mainly based on vibrations, abstract sounds and electronic music.
The installation was produced as part of the PTSM project. On the occasion of the project’s various launches, we offered lectures on the subject of accessibility in the cultural sphere.
Mobilità Creative is a performance art and multimedia event that moves out of theatres, art galleries and museums, animating the streets, squares and public transport routes, promoting different artistic approaches and new forms of sustainable mobility.
The event includes a series of workshops, performances, artistic residencies and digital content.
Audiobus, a key example, is an extraordinary journey on city buses. Artists reinterpret public spaces in a new way, each time involving different sections of the population through a series of workshops, and then elaborate a sound narrative that leads citizens on a surprising journey, to discover hidden parts of the city.
Mobilità Creative is a performance art and multimedia event that moves out of theatres, art galleries and museums, animating the streets, squares and public transport routes, promoting different artistic approaches and new forms of sustainable mobility.
The event includes a series of workshops, performances, artistic residencies and digital content.
Audiobus, a key example, is an extraordinary journey on city buses. Artists reinterpret public spaces in a new way, each time involving different sections of the population through a series of workshops, and then elaborate a sound narrative that leads citizens on a surprising journey, to discover hidden parts of the city.
Audiobus is an extraordinary journey that hovers between the real and the surreal. On departure, each participant is given headphones and a narrator’s voice guides them, helping them unleash their imagination, going on a journey around the city, and within it. It is a multidisciplinary performance, a literary excursion, an unexpected journey full of visual and sound pointers, acrobatics, stories. What does life in a city mean? Look up and around. Poetry will steal you away.
Audiobus is part of the larger ‘Mobilità Creative’ project: a performance art and multimedia event that moves out of theatres, art galleries and museums, animating the streets, squares and public transport routes, promoting different artistic approaches and new forms of sustainable mobility.
Arranged by: Zeroidee, developed by Giovanni Chiarot and Renato Rinaldi.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Turismo FVG.
The use of public transport routes in different cities involves local transport companies in cooperation with TPL FVG (Arriva Udine, Trieste Trasporti, APT Gorizia, ATAP Pordenone).
photo: Bartolomeo Rossi for Audiobus
Audiobus is an extraordinary journey that hovers between the real and the surreal. On departure, each participant is given headphones and a narrator’s voice guides them, helping them unleash their imagination, going on a journey around the city, and within it. It is a multidisciplinary performance, a literary excursion, an unexpected journey full of visual and sound pointers, acrobatics, stories. What does life in a city mean? Look up and around. Poetry will steal you away.
Audiobus is part of the larger ‘Mobilità Creative’ project: a performance art and multimedia event that moves out of theatres, art galleries and museums, animating the streets, squares and public transport routes, promoting different artistic approaches and new forms of sustainable mobility.
Arranged by: Zeroidee, developed by Giovanni Chiarot and Renato Rinaldi.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Turismo FVG.
The use of public transport routes in different cities involves local transport companies in cooperation with TPL FVG (Arriva Udine, Trieste Trasporti, APT Gorizia, ATAP Pordenone).
photo: Bartolomeo Rossi for Audiobus
‘Pubblico incanto’ is a relational art show created with and for communities. For a week, a group of artists go to bars and churches, streets and households, trying to get to know as many people in a village as possible, ready to absorb their moods, words and desires in order to write a great choral script.
Finally, the artists stage a performance, ironic and amusing, on the concept of collective good, starting from the history of the place to individual knowledge, from the community’s cultural heritage to memories, up to the most intimate and personal recollections.
At the same time, performer Sandro Pivotti lives for a few days in the villages involved and creates a video-story, mixing writing and performance. Through the filter of the stage, and then that of the audiovisual document, with comic or otherwise alienating elements, the inhabitants actually see themselves, their own community, and have the chance to look at themselves in a new way.
Before the evening performance, in each of the six locations involved, we organised ‘La festa d’estate’ (The Summer Party): an afternoon of workshops and music for people of all ages.
‘Pubblico incanto’ is a relational art show created with and for communities. For a week, a group of artists go to bars and churches, streets and households, trying to get to know as many people in a village as possible, ready to absorb their moods, words and desires in order to write a great choral script.
Finally, the artists stage a performance, ironic and amusing, on the concept of collective good, starting from the history of the place to individual knowledge, from the community’s cultural heritage to memories, up to the most intimate and personal recollections.
At the same time, performer Sandro Pivotti lives for a few days in the villages involved and creates a video-story, mixing writing and performance. Through the filter of the stage, and then that of the audiovisual document, with comic or otherwise alienating elements, the inhabitants actually see themselves, their own community, and have the chance to look at themselves in a new way.
Before the evening performance, in each of the six locations involved, we organised ‘La festa d’estate’ (The Summer Party): an afternoon of workshops and music for people of all ages.
‘Capovolgere all’infinito’ (Turning over ad-infinitum) is a project designed to engage six communities through a programme of creative, recreational and cultural activities.
Conceived in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, it was designed first and foremost as a milestone in the post-COVID-19 recovery of the communities involved.
The proposed activities sought to reactivate people of all ages and foster connections between the different actors that make up the educating community.
‘Capovolgere all’infinito’ (Turning over ad-infinitum) is a project designed to engage six communities through a programme of creative, recreational and cultural activities.
Conceived in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, it was designed first and foremost as a milestone in the post-COVID-19 recovery of the communities involved.
The proposed activities sought to reactivate people of all ages and foster connections between the different actors that make up the educating community.
100 km of pathways, 14 authors from Italy, Slovenia and Austria, a new narrative of borderlands.
Walk the Line is an explorative-narrative project that aims to develop a collective tale of memories, stories and border landscapes.
Walking is conceived as a practice of knowledge, storytelling and sharing.
From day to day, a tale of the journey is created, interweaving memories, stories and landscapes enroute. A primary role is given to the students involved in the project, with the aim of setting up an international, mobile observatory.
Project by: Associazione culturale Altrememorie.
In collaboration with: BridA, R.o.R Festival, lnstitut für Kulturanalyse, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt,
Quarantasettezeroquattro, Wild Routes, Robida, Inštitut za slovensko kulturo / Institute for Slovenian Culture, Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA, Zeroidee APS.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
100 km of pathways, 14 authors from Italy, Slovenia and Austria, a new narrative of borderlands.
Walk the Line is an explorative-narrative project that aims to develop a collective tale of memories, stories and border landscapes.
Walking is conceived as a practice of knowledge, storytelling and sharing.
From day to day, a tale of the journey is created, interweaving memories, stories and landscapes enroute. A primary role is given to the students involved in the project, with the aim of setting up an international, mobile observatory.
Project by: Associazione culturale Altrememorie.
In collaboration with: BridA, R.o.R Festival, lnstitut für Kulturanalyse, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt,
Quarantasettezeroquattro, Wild Routes, Robida, Inštitut za slovensko kulturo / Institute for Slovenian Culture, Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA, Zeroidee APS.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Microfestival is the world’s tiniest festival in operation since 2017. It is a touring performance art event that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. Microfestival seeks its identity in small mountain villages, in micro-urban settings such as the village square, churchyard or sports bar.
A typical Italian three-wheeler, the Ape, and a ‘caravan’ of artists arrive in tiny villages: these are places on the fringes where, more than in other areas, multiculturalism has played and continues to play a fundamental role in local identity. These are border zones, areas where people transit and take refuge; they act as contact surfaces between different cultural and linguistic identities. Before the festival, there is an artist residency where the process of listening and the participation of locals overturn the classic spectator/actor relationship. At the end of the residency, artists and performers stage small and large performances in the streets, representing aspects of village life that retain the stories, memories and dreams of its inhabitants. The festival ends with a collective dinner and a jam-session that lights up the festival, unearths hidden talents and involves inhabitants of all ages.
Project by: Puntozero.
In collaboration with: Andrea Collavino and Natalie Norma Fella.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Turismo FVG, Fondazione Friuli.
Microfestival is the world’s tiniest festival in operation since 2017. It is a touring performance art event that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. Microfestival seeks its identity in small mountain villages, in micro-urban settings such as the village square, churchyard or sports bar.
A typical Italian three-wheeler, the Ape, and a ‘caravan’ of artists arrive in tiny villages: these are places on the fringes where, more than in other areas, multiculturalism has played and continues to play a fundamental role in local identity. These are border zones, areas where people transit and take refuge; they act as contact surfaces between different cultural and linguistic identities. Before the festival, there is an artist residency where the process of listening and the participation of locals overturn the classic spectator/actor relationship. At the end of the residency, artists and performers stage small and large performances in the streets, representing aspects of village life that retain the stories, memories and dreams of its inhabitants. The festival ends with a collective dinner and a jam-session that lights up the festival, unearths hidden talents and involves inhabitants of all ages.
Project by: Puntozero.
In collaboration with: Andrea Collavino and Natalie Norma Fella.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Turismo FVG, Fondazione Friuli.
‘Stazione / Confini’ is our first App.
It is a sound exhibition that can be heard in five Friuli Venezia Giulia railway stations: Udine, Pordenone, Trieste Centrale, Cividale del Friuli and Gorizia Centrale.
In each station, an unpublished story accompanied by a sound composition, inspired by that specific place and the themes of borders and travel, can be heard. Listening takes about 15/20 minutes.
The short stories were written by Emilio Rigatti (Cividale del Friuli), Francesco Tomada (Gorizia), Lorenza Stroppa (Pordenone), Federica Marzi (Trieste) and Anna Dazzan (Udine). The sound compositions were realised by Antonio Della Marina (Cividale), Anna Stereopoulou (Gorizia), Karen Asatrian (Pordenone), URKUMA (Trieste) and Andrey Kiritchenko (Udine).
The stories are read by Caterina Bernardi and Renato Rinaldi.
‘Stazione / Confini’ is our first App.
It is a sound exhibition that can be heard in five Friuli Venezia Giulia railway stations: Udine, Pordenone, Trieste Centrale, Cividale del Friuli and Gorizia Centrale.
In each station, an unpublished story accompanied by a sound composition, inspired by that specific place and the themes of borders and travel, can be heard. Listening takes about 15/20 minutes.
The short stories were written by Emilio Rigatti (Cividale del Friuli), Francesco Tomada (Gorizia), Lorenza Stroppa (Pordenone), Federica Marzi (Trieste) and Anna Dazzan (Udine). The sound compositions were realised by Antonio Della Marina (Cividale), Anna Stereopoulou (Gorizia), Karen Asatrian (Pordenone), URKUMA (Trieste) and Andrey Kiritchenko (Udine).
The stories are read by Caterina Bernardi and Renato Rinaldi.
‘VADO. Stories for passengers’ is our second App. It is an audio experience designed for passengers travelling on Udine city buses, Udine-Gorizia and Gorizia-Trieste trains, and the Trieste-Muggia ferry connection. Narratives and music can only be heard while travelling, when activated at specific locations. Climb onboard, put on your headphones and play the audio track.
Concept and development: Puntozero Soc. Coop.
Creative consultancy: Marina Rosso
IT development: Mobile 3D Srl
Graphics: Elena Guglielmotti
Copywriting works: Lisa Cadamuro
Mixing: Giordano Sala
Introduction voice: Sandro Pivotti
‘VADO. Stories for passengers’ is our second App. It is an audio experience designed for passengers travelling on Udine city buses, Udine-Gorizia and Gorizia-Trieste trains, and the Trieste-Muggia ferry connection. Narratives and music can only be heard while travelling, when activated at specific locations. Climb onboard, put on your headphones and play the audio track.
Concept and development: Puntozero Soc. Coop.
Creative consultancy: Marina Rosso
IT development: Mobile 3D Srl
Graphics: Elena Guglielmotti
Copywriting works: Lisa Cadamuro
Mixing: Giordano Sala
Introduction voice: Sandro Pivotti
‘Alma Mistero – Dove scompaiono gli scomparsi’ (‘Alma Mistero – Where the disappeared disappear’) is a mysterious, surreal and entertaining show. Starting with the relationship created between artists and locals, the project goes in search of those who have been invented or really existed but have disappeared or are perhaps just hiding. During the days leading up to the festival, an eccentric pair of correspondents from the ‘Alma Mistero’ TV show roam the villages involved, hunting for clues and stories. The entire project was documented in 5 videos published on the Microfestival YouTube channel.
‘Alma Mistero’ was developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The border areas being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of a specific locality and engaging in the active participation of its inhabitants.
‘Alma Mistero – Dove scompaiono gli scomparsi’ (‘Alma Mistero – Where the disappeared disappear’) is a mysterious, surreal and entertaining show. Starting with the relationship created between artists and locals, the project goes in search of those who have been invented or really existed but have disappeared or are perhaps just hiding. During the days leading up to the festival, an eccentric pair of correspondents from the ‘Alma Mistero’ TV show roam the villages involved, hunting for clues and stories. The entire project was documented in 5 videos published on the Microfestival YouTube channel.
‘Alma Mistero’ was developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The border areas being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of a specific locality and engaging in the active participation of its inhabitants.
PTSD is a multimedia installation work that stems from a theoretical investigation into the subject of trauma and how the brain responds to a traumatic event. The investigation was translated into artistic terms through the construction of a unique physical, audio and visual space, consisting of 100 iron stands supporting 14 lamps and 8 speakers. A software-developed system randomly generates sound and light impulses, offering the public an abstract representation of the brain system and post-traumatic stress disorder. The installation’s sound and visual impulses evoke on the one hand the fragments left by the traumatic experience on the memory, and on the other the brain’s constant attempt to build a new balance.
Installation conceived and realised by: Zeroidee.
Concept and development: Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli
Artistic support: Renato Rinaldi
Programming and sound design: Mattia Piani
Wooden structures: Simona Martino
Metal structures: Bruno Ribis
Assembly and wiring: Tiziano Zaramella
Technical support: Soluzioni SRLS
Neuroscience advice: Cinzia Canderan, Franco Fabbro, Ilaria Guarracino, Luciana Palumbo.
Produced by: Associazione Altrememorie.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Find out moreWATCH THE VIDEO
PTSD is a multimedia installation work that stems from a theoretical investigation into the subject of trauma and how the brain responds to a traumatic event. The investigation was translated into artistic terms through the construction of a unique physical, audio and visual space, consisting of 100 iron stands supporting 14 lamps and 8 speakers. A software-developed system randomly generates sound and light impulses, offering the public an abstract representation of the brain system and post-traumatic stress disorder. The installation’s sound and visual impulses evoke on the one hand the fragments left by the traumatic experience on the memory, and on the other the brain’s constant attempt to build a new balance.
Installation conceived and realised by: Zeroidee.
Concept and development: Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli
Artistic support: Renato Rinaldi
Programming and sound design: Mattia Piani
Wooden structures: Simona Martino
Metal structures: Bruno Ribis
Assembly and wiring: Tiziano Zaramella
Technical support: Soluzioni SRLS
Neuroscience advice: Cinzia Canderan, Franco Fabbro, Ilaria Guarracino, Luciana Palumbo.
Produced by: Associazione Altrememorie.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Find out moreWATCH THE VIDEO
‘DIMMI. Le donne raccontano’ (TELL ME: Women recount) is a space for reflection and training that, through different disciplines (history, philosophy, literature, law, economics, etc.), enhances stories and ‘non-standard’ points of view from the voices of women. Every year, DIMMI organises a series of talks, meetings, master classes, readings, screenings and workshops that aim to open up new perspectives and stimulate dialogue. DIMMI also runs numerous creative workshops in schools. Through art, creativity and storytelling, it involves children and young people in taking the floor, thinking, discussing and working together against all stereotypes and prejudices.
“DIMMI. Le donne raccontano”
Concept by: Puntozero.
Promoted by: Associazione di volontariato Venezia.
In collaboration with: University of Verona, Laboratorio Saperi Situati, Associazione Zeroidee, Associazione Bekko, Alchemilla, Bottega Errante, Istituto Comprensivo Tina Modotti Premariacco, Istituto Udine2.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
‘DIMMI. Le donne raccontano’ (TELL ME: Women recount) is a space for reflection and training that, through different disciplines (history, philosophy, literature, law, economics, etc.), enhances stories and ‘non-standard’ points of view from the voices of women. Every year, DIMMI organises a series of talks, meetings, master classes, readings, screenings and workshops that aim to open up new perspectives and stimulate dialogue. DIMMI also runs numerous creative workshops in schools. Through art, creativity and storytelling, it involves children and young people in taking the floor, thinking, discussing and working together against all stereotypes and prejudices.
“DIMMI. Le donne raccontano”
Concept by: Puntozero.
Promoted by: Associazione di volontariato Venezia.
In collaboration with: University of Verona, Laboratorio Saperi Situati, Associazione Zeroidee, Associazione Bekko, Alchemilla, Bottega Errante, Istituto Comprensivo Tina Modotti Premariacco, Istituto Udine2.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
‘Stay Tuned’ is a free portal designed for associations, which collects and offers educational content on communication. The portal allows organisations to publish their courses or training sessions in a professional manner, with unlimited access to lessons.
The ‘Stay Tuned’ project was created to support the innovation of third sector organisations in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, providing useful tools to improve communication both internally and externally (e.g., the management of community relations, the promotion of training and meetings, the engagement of followers, extending relationships, often started offline, online).
‘Stay Tuned’ is a free portal designed for associations, which collects and offers educational content on communication. The portal allows organisations to publish their courses or training sessions in a professional manner, with unlimited access to lessons.
The ‘Stay Tuned’ project was created to support the innovation of third sector organisations in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, providing useful tools to improve communication both internally and externally (e.g., the management of community relations, the promotion of training and meetings, the engagement of followers, extending relationships, often started offline, online).
VISAVÌ GORIZIA DANCE FESTIVAL is the international cross-border festival of contemporary dance in Gorizia and Nova Gorizia, created by Artisti Associati.
For VISAVÌ we are responsible for:
Coordination of web-based communication;
social networking and live storytelling;
conducting interviews with choreographers;
stage photos;
festival photo-reportage.
VISAVÌ GORIZIA DANCE FESTIVAL is the international cross-border festival of contemporary dance in Gorizia and Nova Gorizia, created by Artisti Associati.
For VISAVÌ we are responsible for:
Coordination of web-based communication;
social networking and live storytelling;
conducting interviews with choreographers;
stage photos;
festival photo-reportage.
‘Le Tigri del Friuli’ (The Tigers of Friuli) is an archive which collects some of the results of a semi-serious and non-linear research retracing the story of the Tigri di Monteaperta: the first Italian women’s tug-of-war team, founded in 1962 by a group of women on the Italian-Slovenian border. Our research was developed through a series of interviews with those ‘Tigers’ still alive, with people who had met them and with researchers. We then identified a number of themes around which we created six video narratives and corresponding bibliographies. We hope that, as it did for us, a little story from yesterday can open up new questions about today.
The ‘Le Tigri del Friuli’ Archive
Project by: Puntozero.
Historical consultancy: Marco Feleppa
In collaboration with: Associazione culturale A.M.A. Monteaperta, Bottega Errante.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
‘Le Tigri del Friuli’ (The Tigers of Friuli) is an archive which collects some of the results of a semi-serious and non-linear research retracing the story of the Tigri di Monteaperta: the first Italian women’s tug-of-war team, founded in 1962 by a group of women on the Italian-Slovenian border. Our research was developed through a series of interviews with those ‘Tigers’ still alive, with people who had met them and with researchers. We then identified a number of themes around which we created six video narratives and corresponding bibliographies. We hope that, as it did for us, a little story from yesterday can open up new questions about today.
The ‘Le Tigri del Friuli’ Archive
Project by: Puntozero.
Historical consultancy: Marco Feleppa
In collaboration with: Associazione culturale A.M.A. Monteaperta, Bottega Errante.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Exxplorers is an app to guide visitors to Mojstrana (Slovenia) through a narrative that mixes real and virtual reality to discover the area and enhance what would normally go unnoticed. The virtual guide is local hero Janez Požganc, who supports visitors in active exploration, inviting them to play games, take photos, share thoughts with the community or simply enjoy nature and the landscape. Exxplorers is part of the RUK project (2019-2023) by PiNA Kulturno izobraževalno društvo, co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
User experience and user interface: Puntozero Società Cooperativa.Exxplorers is an app to guide visitors to Mojstrana (Slovenia) through a narrative that mixes real and virtual reality to discover the area and enhance what would normally go unnoticed. The virtual guide is local hero Janez Požganc, who supports visitors in active exploration, inviting them to play games, take photos, share thoughts with the community or simply enjoy nature and the landscape. Exxplorers is part of the RUK project (2019-2023) by PiNA Kulturno izobraževalno društvo, co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
User experience and user interface: Puntozero Società Cooperativa.A European project that involved 120 young people in the production of short videos published on visual media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok. The young vloggers focused on European topics such as fundamental values, active European citizenship, participation in democratic life, integration of migrants and refugees, solidarity, ecology, sustainability and Zero Waste.
Funded by: European Union.A European project that involved 120 young people in the production of short videos published on visual media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok. The young vloggers focused on European topics such as fundamental values, active European citizenship, participation in democratic life, integration of migrants and refugees, solidarity, ecology, sustainability and Zero Waste.
Funded by: European Union.‘Comuni non Comuni Splash’ is a breathtaking spectacle, a variety show from door to door, at house windows, in courtyards, along streets. The inhabitants of small villages are engaged by eccentric characters in extraordinary performances, sparkling games and twists. The show is a collective party animated by artists and inhabitants that is always new, always different.
‘Comuni non Comuni Splash’ is a format we developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The borders being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of specific localities and engaging the active participation of inhabitants.
‘Comuni non Comuni Splash’ is a breathtaking spectacle, a variety show from door to door, at house windows, in courtyards, along streets. The inhabitants of small villages are engaged by eccentric characters in extraordinary performances, sparkling games and twists. The show is a collective party animated by artists and inhabitants that is always new, always different.
‘Comuni non Comuni Splash’ is a format we developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The borders being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of specific localities and engaging the active participation of inhabitants.
‘Prima della leva’ (Before the draft) is an immersive journey experience for individuals where participants play the role of a predefined character. They follow directions received via WhatsApp, move around the city centre, and become increasingly steeped in the protagonist’s life and relationships.
Texts, audio, images and videos developed during a number of workshops offered to pupils from five high schools provided the inspiration for this experiential performance. The multimedia material is available on the project website together with an anthology of essays, narratives, films and links to other websites.
Prima della leva
Project by: Zeroidee, Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli.
Artistic support: Renato Rinaldi
IT support: Alberto Duca and Alex Duca
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Municipality of Udine.
‘Prima della leva’ (Before the draft) is an immersive journey experience for individuals where participants play the role of a predefined character. They follow directions received via WhatsApp, move around the city centre, and become increasingly steeped in the protagonist’s life and relationships.
Texts, audio, images and videos developed during a number of workshops offered to pupils from five high schools provided the inspiration for this experiential performance. The multimedia material is available on the project website together with an anthology of essays, narratives, films and links to other websites.
Prima della leva
Project by: Zeroidee, Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli.
Artistic support: Renato Rinaldi
IT support: Alberto Duca and Alex Duca
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Municipality of Udine.
Training course for associations registered with the Italian National Association of Service Centres for Volunteering (CSV, Centri di Servizio per il Volontariato).
Topics covered:
– What is a project: elements of project management
– Stages of project proposal writing: from the idea to completing the project outline for funding calls
– Writing a project: drafting the proposal
– Calls for proposals: structure and contents. Analysis of regional, national and European calls for proposals
– Funding channels and how to find the right ones
– Partnerships and the importance of networking
Training course for associations registered with the Italian National Association of Service Centres for Volunteering (CSV, Centri di Servizio per il Volontariato).
Topics covered:
– What is a project: elements of project management
– Stages of project proposal writing: from the idea to completing the project outline for funding calls
– Writing a project: drafting the proposal
– Calls for proposals: structure and contents. Analysis of regional, national and European calls for proposals
– Funding channels and how to find the right ones
– Partnerships and the importance of networking
The project ‘Le dirai marte o metallo’ (Tell her Mars or Metal) explores the question of interpreting the system which today gives us access to knowledge developed by us, supported by algorithms that pander to our point of view, tastes and opinions. An audiovisual environment, a podium and a large screen positioned in the centre of the space invite the public to go on a journey. Using a button, the visitor can choose one of 49 words that give access to ‘knowledge’ and that appear projected on the screen. An algorithm launches a web search that is visually perceived as a journey in an indefinite space between a micro and a macrocosm, with a succession of lines and shapes that resemble both planets and molecular particles. A combinatorial number system selects 7 data from the infinite pool of information, forming a rebus, an enigma, a creative stimulus, a question – almost as if to remind the user that every time they look out of the window of this space, what is returned to them always requires interpretation, whether by themselves or by others. Here the participant can construct new meanings if they wish.
‘Le dirai Marte o Metallo’ is an installation designed and created by Zeroidee, Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli;
Scientific consultancy by Paolo Patui and Mario Turello;
Graphic animation by Roberto Ranon;
Computer development by Matteo Gervasi;
Original music and sound design by Davide Vettori;
Technical support by Alessandro Pasquali, Giordano Sala.
Produced by Leggermente.
Supported by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
The project ‘Le dirai marte o metallo’ (Tell her Mars or Metal) explores the question of interpreting the system which today gives us access to knowledge developed by us, supported by algorithms that pander to our point of view, tastes and opinions. An audiovisual environment, a podium and a large screen positioned in the centre of the space invite the public to go on a journey. Using a button, the visitor can choose one of 49 words that give access to ‘knowledge’ and that appear projected on the screen. An algorithm launches a web search that is visually perceived as a journey in an indefinite space between a micro and a macrocosm, with a succession of lines and shapes that resemble both planets and molecular particles. A combinatorial number system selects 7 data from the infinite pool of information, forming a rebus, an enigma, a creative stimulus, a question – almost as if to remind the user that every time they look out of the window of this space, what is returned to them always requires interpretation, whether by themselves or by others. Here the participant can construct new meanings if they wish.
‘Le dirai Marte o Metallo’ is an installation designed and created by Zeroidee, Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli;
Scientific consultancy by Paolo Patui and Mario Turello;
Graphic animation by Roberto Ranon;
Computer development by Matteo Gervasi;
Original music and sound design by Davide Vettori;
Technical support by Alessandro Pasquali, Giordano Sala.
Produced by Leggermente.
Supported by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
Comuni non Comuni Winter edition: a big game and show designed for very small villages, especially for border localities. An orchestra and a group of eccentric characters engage the community in a trans-generational team game. With a huge board in the centre and large pawns to move, the game of challenges includes music, twists and turns, and ‘rich’ prizes. An unexpected community map emerges, a collective party driven by artists and inhabitants that is always new, always different.
‘The Big Game’ is a format we developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The borders being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of specific localities and engaging the active participation of inhabitants.
Comuni non Comuni Winter edition: a big game and show designed for very small villages, especially for border localities. An orchestra and a group of eccentric characters engage the community in a trans-generational team game. With a huge board in the centre and large pawns to move, the game of challenges includes music, twists and turns, and ‘rich’ prizes. An unexpected community map emerges, a collective party driven by artists and inhabitants that is always new, always different.
‘The Big Game’ is a format we developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The borders being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of specific localities and engaging the active participation of inhabitants.
The ‘Casamia’ (My Home) project connects spaces without people and musicians in search of spaces. It is a project of artistic residencies, initiated in Carnia (Friuli Venezia Giulia) in 2017, based on the idea that music can give new life to the Friulian mountains, where many houses have been abandoned. Each residency ends with a concert, in which the musicians present their work to the inhabitants of the village and anyone else who wants to listen.
Promoted by: Municipality of Ravascletto.br> Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.br> In collaboration with: Puntozero Società Cooperativa, Circolo Arci Cas’Aupa, Simularte Società Cooperativa, Associazione Culturale Euritmica, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Zavod ROR za sodbno umetnost, Municipality of Paluzza, Cooperativa Informazione Friulana.The ‘Casamia’ (My Home) project connects spaces without people and musicians in search of spaces. It is a project of artistic residencies, initiated in Carnia (Friuli Venezia Giulia) in 2017, based on the idea that music can give new life to the Friulian mountains, where many houses have been abandoned. Each residency ends with a concert, in which the musicians present their work to the inhabitants of the village and anyone else who wants to listen.
Promoted by: Municipality of Ravascletto.br> Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.br> In collaboration with: Puntozero Società Cooperativa, Circolo Arci Cas’Aupa, Simularte Società Cooperativa, Associazione Culturale Euritmica, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Zavod ROR za sodbno umetnost, Municipality of Paluzza, Cooperativa Informazione Friulana.A project that addresses the issue of educational poverty and school drop-outs in a multidimensional way. Within the several actions offered by the project, we provided upcycling workshops in schools. Our workshops suggest a reflection on the lifecycle of objects, their possible creative reuse, and the need for an ecological and sustainable approach to everyday life. The aim is to transform the meaning of objects and increase the value of an artefact that, within the production and consumption system, would have exhausted its lifecycle. At the same time, participants are provided with design and creative skills, developing manual dexterity and imagination.
Project by: Fondazione Opera Sacra famiglia.A project that addresses the issue of educational poverty and school drop-outs in a multidimensional way. Within the several actions offered by the project, we provided upcycling workshops in schools. Our workshops suggest a reflection on the lifecycle of objects, their possible creative reuse, and the need for an ecological and sustainable approach to everyday life. The aim is to transform the meaning of objects and increase the value of an artefact that, within the production and consumption system, would have exhausted its lifecycle. At the same time, participants are provided with design and creative skills, developing manual dexterity and imagination.
Project by: Fondazione Opera Sacra famiglia.A European project that explores new ways of reducing waste and different methods of upcycling (i.e., how to reuse an object in a new way while increasing its value). At the same time, the project links this topic with innovative youth entrepreneurship measures, promoting an exchange between start-ups and new upcycling ideas.
Funded by: European Union – ‘Capacity Building for Youth’ programme.A European project that explores new ways of reducing waste and different methods of upcycling (i.e., how to reuse an object in a new way while increasing its value). At the same time, the project links this topic with innovative youth entrepreneurship measures, promoting an exchange between start-ups and new upcycling ideas.
Funded by: European Union – ‘Capacity Building for Youth’ programme.SUNS Europe is the European festival of arts in minority languages conceived by Radio Onde Furlane with the support of ARLeF. Created as a stage for groups and musicians who sing in one of the minority languages of the Alpine-Mediterranean area, today it is a meeting place for the best artistic productions in minority languages on a European scale. Therefore, sounds (‘suns’ in Friulano), and film and literary texts, express, through visuals and words, existing and resistant identities.
For SUNS we are responsible for:SUNS Europe is the European festival of arts in minority languages conceived by Radio Onde Furlane with the support of ARLeF. Created as a stage for groups and musicians who sing in one of the minority languages of the Alpine-Mediterranean area, today it is a meeting place for the best artistic productions in minority languages on a European scale. Therefore, sounds (‘suns’ in Friulano), and film and literary texts, express, through visuals and words, existing and resistant identities.
For SUNS we are responsible for:‘La terra e l’anima’ (The earth and the soul) is an artistic project we worked on with the Leggermente Association, during which we supported two great Italian artists on tour: Nada Malanima and Rita Marcotulli.
Two women, one show, memories, melodies and reflections powerfully interwoven.
‘La terra e l’anima’ (The earth and the soul) is an artistic project we worked on with the Leggermente Association, during which we supported two great Italian artists on tour: Nada Malanima and Rita Marcotulli.
Two women, one show, memories, melodies and reflections powerfully interwoven.
‘Bandus’, shouted out by children, announces a truce and interrupts the game. It names the concept and event we organised with the Municipality of Udine to commemorate the centenary of the Christmas truce. ‘Bandus’ transformed a former military space, the Osoppo barracks, into a place for art, performance, music, shows and talks. The event is part of the broader ‘Udine storie in corso’ (Udine stories in progress) project.
For Bandus we were responsible for:
-event management
-technical direction
-scenography, staging and furnishings inside the hangar
-project web communication
Promoted and supported by: Municipality of Udine.
Organised by: Puntozero.
‘Bandus’, shouted out by children, announces a truce and interrupts the game. It names the concept and event we organised with the Municipality of Udine to commemorate the centenary of the Christmas truce. ‘Bandus’ transformed a former military space, the Osoppo barracks, into a place for art, performance, music, shows and talks. The event is part of the broader ‘Udine storie in corso’ (Udine stories in progress) project.
For Bandus we were responsible for:
-event management
-technical direction
-scenography, staging and furnishings inside the hangar
-project web communication
Promoted and supported by: Municipality of Udine.
Organised by: Puntozero.
‘Il Parco dell’arte’ (The Art Park) in the woods of Valsaisera (Friuli Venezia Giulia) was opened in 2014 at Prati di Oitzinger, with the special participation of artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. Over the years, we have invited international artists to enter into dialogue with nature and memories of the area, producing contemporary art installations in places where 100 years earlier young people from all over Europe were engaging in conflict. This experience may have been limited in time and space, but it opened up new perspectives and projects, transforming a physical place into a space for thought, a defined project into a permanent observatory on the landscape. It was the starting point for our artist residency projects.
Il Parco dell’arte was created by: Associazione culturale Modo, Associazione Altrememorie.
In collaboration with: Puntozero Cooperative, Associazione Zeroidee, Associazione Aghe di Poc, Associazione culturale Leggermente, Alpi Friulane, Friuli Storia e Territorio, Tree House, Amici di Valbruna and many others.
Under the patronage of the Municipalities of Malborghetto-Valbruna and Tarvisio.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
‘Il Parco dell’arte’ (The Art Park) in the woods of Valsaisera (Friuli Venezia Giulia) was opened in 2014 at Prati di Oitzinger, with the special participation of artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. Over the years, we have invited international artists to enter into dialogue with nature and memories of the area, producing contemporary art installations in places where 100 years earlier young people from all over Europe were engaging in conflict. This experience may have been limited in time and space, but it opened up new perspectives and projects, transforming a physical place into a space for thought, a defined project into a permanent observatory on the landscape. It was the starting point for our artist residency projects.
Il Parco dell’arte was created by: Associazione culturale Modo, Associazione Altrememorie.
In collaboration with: Puntozero Cooperative, Associazione Zeroidee, Associazione Aghe di Poc, Associazione culturale Leggermente, Alpi Friulane, Friuli Storia e Territorio, Tree House, Amici di Valbruna and many others.
Under the patronage of the Municipalities of Malborghetto-Valbruna and Tarvisio.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
We invented and built a Rube Goldberg machine with six different routes. Each route was used to produce a video clip to promote one of six titles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on the web. The installation and social campaign were part of the European project “Enjoy Your Rights” designed to promote the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union through social networks.
Design and creation of the Rube Goldberg machine: Puntozero, Giovanni Chiarot, Francesco Rossi with Rocco Repezza, Giacomo Bompan.We invented and built a Rube Goldberg machine with six different routes. Each route was used to produce a video clip to promote one of six titles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on the web. The installation and social campaign were part of the European project “Enjoy Your Rights” designed to promote the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union through social networks.
Design and creation of the Rube Goldberg machine: Puntozero, Giovanni Chiarot, Francesco Rossi with Rocco Repezza, Giacomo Bompan.The ‘Tu sei qui’ (You are here) project represents our origins.
It is a contemporary art workshop that for two years invited different artists to work in an Udine street for an entire week. The artists created art installations in the urban spaces of via Cussignacco, the street where we shared a co-working space for a couple of years, which was also a space of relationships, ideas and projects with many people.
In ‘Tu sei qui’, art is intertwined with a form of participatory and shared citizenship, engaging artists and citizens in rediscovering the environment in which we live.
The ‘Tu sei qui’ (You are here) project represents our origins.
It is a contemporary art workshop that for two years invited different artists to work in an Udine street for an entire week. The artists created art installations in the urban spaces of via Cussignacco, the street where we shared a co-working space for a couple of years, which was also a space of relationships, ideas and projects with many people.
In ‘Tu sei qui’, art is intertwined with a form of participatory and shared citizenship, engaging artists and citizens in rediscovering the environment in which we live.